This is the month of Hope. We need to revive our faith. You as a child of God you need to raise up your faith. God is never Late, what we call late is according to our own time.…
Congratulations and welcome to this great month of October 2022. This is our month of Hope, Open Doors and Great Settlement. Genesis 8:5
The brain; Man you are expected to be the think tank of the family. You are expected to make decisions for your family. Genesis 3 vs 9. 2. You must be their eyes. You must have a vision for…
QUICK RECAP OF LAST WEEK SUNDAY. Matters of identity consists of: Understanding your PAST. ”History” To understand your current location. ”Present”. Knowing where you are now. Go out and affect the place that you are. Your ”FUTURE”. We are…
In you just being you results in your fruitfulness in life, so much depends on the degree of your genuineness to yourself or how openly truthful you are to yourself. Many of us creates a mask, an impression of…
Calvary greetings in Jesus Name & Welcome to September, Our Month of Fruitfulness. Acts.10:1-5.
WHAT IS ETERNAL REWARDS ?AND HOW DO WE GET IT? 1 Corinthians 9 vs 16 to 27 ” If I preach voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me. What…
Calvary greetings in Jesus Name & Welcome to August, Our Month of Mercy & Uplifting in Christ Jesus (Is.41:10-13).